Do not call list
Telecommunications Rules and Standards
Campaign Research does not make telemarketing calls, however, we voluntarily follow the time restrictions the CRTC imposes for telemarketing calls for our survey research calls. Calls are only made between 9:00am and 9:30pm Monday, and between 10:00am to 6:00pm Saturday and Sunday.
To add yourself to our internal Do Not Call List:
The CRTC does not require marketing research companies to maintain an internal do not call list. For more information please see the text below from the CRTC website or visit this link. Campaign Research voluntarily maintains a 1 year internal do not call list. To add yourself to the list, please fill out the form on this page.
From the CRTC website - Market research, polls and surveys:
"You may continue to receive calls from organizations conducting market research, polls or surveys even though you are registered on the National DNCL. These calls are exempt from the national DNCL. They’re not considered to be telemarketing calls because they are not selling a product or service, or requesting donations. Similarly, debt collection calls are not considered telemarketing calls. As well, these organizations do not have to keep internal do not call lists." To find out more click here.
To add yourself to the National Do Not Call List:
There is no charge to register your number(s) on the National Do Not Call List. Your number (s) will remain on the National Do Not Call List for three years. To register a phone number click here.
Internal Do Not Call List: